A new conversation, Viva La New Blog!

Today is the day. It’s time to launch a blog. It makes perfect sense. Photography is the bright light in my life, shining on the beauty surrounding me. And a picture is worth a thousand words, right? But writing has always been an integral part, too. So much so, I maintain a weekly newspaper column (consistently, since 1987.) And, in 2013, I was named Editor of the Door County Magazine, combining all elements of my life.

The magazine feeds my soul, shining a light on the county I love.

Writing scratches a certain creative itch. Sometimes, it’s a painful, tedious job. Sometimes, it flows like divine inspiration. No matter what, it always feels better once it’s out.

Photography, though, is a source of joy in my life. It’s fast, furious, graphic, creative, technical, maybe even a little competitive. As I sit here composing this inaugural blog,  I’m multi-tasking by watching an on-line seminar on technical lighting techniques.

The more you learn, the more you can do. There is always a higher level to aspire to. And I want to do more. Always, more.

Photography is a commitment to never rest on my laurels.

Add in wedding photography, and its ever-changing aesthetic scene.

It’s fast-paced. It’s intense. And it’s fabulous. I get to do wedding and event photography for some of the most interesting and beautiful people, bridal couples and families I could ever hope to meet.

I’m standing on the doorstep of the 2015 season, with so many interesting couples and families. Already, I’m drawn in by the stories…and the season is just dawning.

Join me as I launch this blog, combining both the photography and writing parts of my life. I’ll let you in on the stories, and give you a peek into the most important day in a couple’s new life together.

(I admit, there’s a learning curve as I figure out ins and outs of how to work this blog. Let me start with a couple of images from a beautiful February wedding in Door County.)

Viva La New Blog!

Taking it in

Taking it in

Winter warmth

Winter warmth

Profile in Love

Profile in Love